Monday, August 27, 2007

Well its the first last day of school for me and it feels like I never got off the bike. I already feel like I have been peddling half way through another semester but the gloss is still shining on the new textbooks. School is good... It is horrible when you know you have it good because the next hump probably wont be friendly. Upwards and onwards i presume...

So i consider it all of our civil duties to at least attempt to stay current on the news, business, and of course sports but today i read something that just makes me hurl massively. is a site that takes pride in exposing dogs as if they are a hot new release on netflix and that is just so cold blooded. Ok I am not one of those angry cosmonauts that is lining up to burn my #7 Falcons jersey like the rest of the country but i mean come on its a freggin dog you can just rent them out like a shopvac. Owners and dogs become connected (well at least thats what i have always experienced) innevitably and to mess with the natural gel on that relationship is just raw. Congress, Humane socieities, or avid animal idiots please shut this dump down.

Just a quick plug for Team USA... were backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk......
I love that the fiba basketball tourney has been televised on espn classic this year because the 65 point blowouts on the U.S. Virgin Islands, Venezula, and Brazil have been instant slammers for the ages.

Peep the presence of the boys in blue...

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