Thursday, June 14, 2007

5th down and Goal

Yowsers.... Howdy folks and welcome to blastoff theatre. Hmm a simple ode to the NASA space center in Houston. Anyways speaking of NASA and ingenuity I found my next birthday present yesterday and I have been whipping around like a 8 month old yorkie pup. Ladies and gentlebots i would like to introduce you to your future.... This will most definitely change the way the Earth spins on its axis. Fish one up now while they are cheap because by the time they make it to home depot those builder's square home wreckers while nickle and dime the dump truck out of us for every penny.

Call out to Jig and Ruke Leeves for the destruction of Abilene a few nights ago. Cheers mates. Who knew the Rodeo was actually a disguised Land Rover... cheers again...

Austin bound...

Austin Lightning tonight at 730 see all of you there dressed in assorted battle garb.

Bomb North Korea,
Harrison C. Girod

By the way Robots the movie will warp your reality. Great flick. Thank you HBO.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Eat your heart out Hitchcock

Stardate 1 after the most successful weekend in a long time. The overriding feeling for last weekend collectively can only be classified as good vibrations. The satisfaction of seeing good friends that you haven't seen in a while is a beautiful thing. Sharing in good memories that plow the road ahead for many more to come is an empowering experience. Knowing and seeing the true essence of love in life around you is something that is hard to capture. When i was at the wedding it did not necessarily make me think about the possibility of my own wedding one day down the road but instead it just helped focus me on the intangible element of love that God so freely gives us. What is more pure than being able to feel God's love splashing down all around you. Its a pretty rowdy event.

It is difficult for a lot of people to let go of themselves and just live in the moment. To just purely live on the energy of the second. I strongly recommend that people take a step outside of themselves and when an opportunity presents itself that people pursue it. Sharing the company of good people in a good time in our lives is what it is all about.

By the way NASA owns you. NASA will never be the same after the Smegma Colony (coleman, luke, gay juice, and of course myself) turned that place upside down. Boundaries were crossed, violations was noted, and more importantly the disposable cameras were buy one get one free. Clear Lake, Tx actually had a little character unlike the gooch of the south....Houston.

Call out to angelic parents of Brittney Nicole Lubojasky. Massive blessings, honors, and relics are due to this family. They put us up for a while this last weekend and they were undoubtedly off the proverbial meat rack. These were some of the most hospitable people that i have meet in a while and it is refreshing to see a shining example of freely giving. It must be liberating to be able to good for others. An inspiration... bottom line. nasa.... nasa....

Fairy tales were written for a reason,

Harrison C. Girod

I am sure this picture is a repeat from other blogs... buh humbug im throwing it up again. Epic.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Candy Apple Aspirations

Well thanks to positive peer pressure, little panda burnt egg rolls, and the false truth of evolution i have decided to pledge my allegiance to the almighty I figure i have some fake money invested in Google on investopedia so i might as well help the cause by swashbuckling my computer with some more useless google applications and integrating my poorly outdated blogspot with the new and improved google blogger. I can see the stock ticker blinking now... cherish every percentage point. (if only that was real day cramer)

Now to things that dont suck to read...

My humility astonishes me at times. So i have been delivering for Little Panda here in Abilene for a while which means i get a lot of quality time with the good ole automobile. Fortunately last Christmas my pops didn't have enough patience to take 5 minutes and put his new xm radio in his i was defaulted to yours truly. Satellite radio has turned my deliveries into a flight of fantasy because i have able to listen to the democratic and republican preliminary debates on the P.O.T.U.S. 2008 channel. Sweet Georgia peaches you have got to call this election premature for sure. Folks... its the first week of June 2007. By the time the new president gets elected i am sure HE will have a cushy number and most of the problems will be solved by then. Ok thats not true at all... if anything all our global dealings will be complicated 7 fold and will legalize illegal immigration (if that's possible) by the end of 2008.

  • I have been fascinated by eloquence that Mitt Romney exudes each time he speaks. I dont feel like its a show or game but very genuine... Who am i kidding of course its a show but i have been impressed with the way that he has handled some difficult questions how he balances or integrates his faith (Mormon) and policies.

  • Now ole boy Rudy Giuliani is an interesting candidate because hes all about security (well thats what it seems like). Locking up the border, doing some internal house cleaning, and really giving illegals a gut check. Sounds good to me. Look illegal immigrants also take jobs that some regular Americans dont want to mess with but overall its just not safe not to have any idea who the dump these peeps are...

Ok enough with political hoopla... on to something important like Baggo. Thats right the mind boggling game of baggo. What is baggo you say? By the words of the virtuouso himself, jacob "silver foot" wardell, figure it out! But seriously be prepared for the baggo epidemic to see an Abilene takeover in the near future. Lives will impacted, names will be made, and baggo grand master girod will be exalted in the 325. Believe.

If you dont have one of these yet... call me i am selling them for $75 a pop. Cheap considering he will be making lebron look like a washed up child actor after he clowns him next season.

See yall at the agan wedding...

Im a silver dolla... holla