Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Back on the Map

Back on the Map
The hour glass is just about spent and its time to flip that beast in about a week. I can honestly say that i feel like this summer is the first time in my life that i actually had some postive and constructive cognitive thinking going on. I mean when i was a kid i would be so impulsive and act so much more on attitudes or emotions rather than rationale. Needless to say im still probably guilty of that 90 percent of the time.What i have learned this summer:Life is about independence and what you do with your independence defines yourself. No matter what anybody says here i strongly believe that free will reigns above all and what we do with that gift makes or breaks us. Will you use that independence to influence for good "God's agenda" or will you use it to bottle up your detachment from God and create a selfish reality for yourself that is built on molding idols around you in such a fashion that you go blind from them. Not to say that even if your doing your best to stand for God's purpose that you wont be tempted to succomb to the glitz and glamour of this world. What does that mean to succomb to the world. Is that having a few drinks at the local dive? Is that going to far with your girlfriend? Hell thats why Tupac coined the infamous callout, "Only God can judge me". Everyone had it in for 2pac since he came on the scene. All he was doing was exposing his life and the reality of his surroundings. I mean John Denver can sing about the rocky mountain high around him but 2pac cant talk about the pisshole that he lived in. How bout them apples.... Back to the topic at hand. People try to make religion out to be so easy at church about what is right and what isnt. What does it mean to truly comprimise ones self? You hear all the time about how Jesus invited tax collectors and the filth of his soceity to dinner and gatherings because he wanted to elevate them out of the trash. His actions were undoubtedly pure of heart and honestly i wish i could say that everytime i walked into a club or anywhere risky that my immediate reaction or thought would be how can i stand out to make a positive come from this seemingly negative atmosphere. Who knows... All i know is life is about bonding thru relationship. Once relationship is established than matters of the heart can be accessed and explored. Everyone values trust and without that relationships would be meaningless.well hopefully ill throw up some on my monitor in the near future but i just had to spray off some of the buzz kill. Golds time.Adios hombres

Pub'd mid-late august

Take me higher,

1 comment:

alex said...

the devil phentermine in Tartini's sonata dream).. A special interest has been directed towards these, since it has been observed that the dreamers of the same language use the like symbols--indeed, that in certain cases community of symbol is greater than community of viagra speech.. Of course, the mater is furious, but I rather look soma on it as a lark.. Like so many other young women, she was by no means happy when she became pregnant, and admitted to me more than once the wish that her child might die before its birth; in a imitrex fit of anger following a violent scene with her husband she had even struck her abdomen with her fists in order to hit the child within.. The two boys had sat on the same bench at Sunday-school not three toprol hours before; yet what a change had come over the world for one of them since then! Hello! Where you goin', Ab? asked the newcomer, gruffly.. Dream psychology is the key to Freud's works and to metoclopramide all modern psychology.. A a pun aspirin upon the word kosten, which has two meanings--taste and cost.. Farmin' somehow don't suit my strattera talons.. Brede's arm, as though she were ill; and yasmin it was clear that she had been crying.. I am not easily ativan frightened...